Creating a YouTube channel is a very easy and effective way to share your videos – whether it’s for your business, building a personal brand, or for fun. The best part – it’s not hard at all. Just a few easy, straightforward steps which we have outlined below will get you up and going with your first video post.
You will need to create a Gmail account before you can create your channel, so if you don’t have one yet, just click here to create one easily and quickly. There’s a link on that page to bring you back here when you are ready, so no worries.
If you already have a Gmail account, let’s get started!
1. Go to
If you are already signed into your Gmail account, you should see your icon showing when you go to . If you are not, you can still go to YouTube and log in. Once there, you will see this screen and you want to click on “Your channel”.
2. Review How You’ll Appear
You It will bring you to a screen where you can change the icon picture and the listed name. Click “Create Channel” once done. After you do this, your channel will officially be created.
3. Get Ready to Upload
This will bring you to where you can upload your first video. You will do that by clicking the “Create” button.
4. Choose What Kind of Video
Here is where you will decide whether to upload a YouTube short, to go Live, or to upload a standard video. In most cases, especially if you are starting out and just want to upload your long form video content, you will click on “Upload a video”.
5. Allow Access
In order to continue, you must click “Allow Access” to give YouTube permission to access and upload your video.
6. Continue Permissions
This is the continuation of the previous step in allowing access to YouTube to upload the video you want.
7. Final Permission Step
This is the final step in allowing permissions and access to YouTube. Don’t worry, we are almost to the good part!
8. Choose Your Video
Now you can select the video from your gallery or file folder to upload.
9. Review Your Video
After you click on your the video you want to upload, you will be given a chance to view that video and make sure it’s the one you want. Click “Next” if it’s the one you want. If it isn’t, just click the arrow key pointing to the left to go back to your gallery.
10. Video Information
Here is where you can add the title of your video (what viewers will see as the title), a description for what the video is about, and whether to make this public, private or unlisted. Look at all the options available here to better suit what you are wanting to accomplish.
11. Choose Your Visibility
This next screen is where you can decide whether to make your video public, unlisted, or private (meaning just for your eyes and/or anyone who you give permission to view it).
12. Child Safety Question
The next thing you must choose is whether or not the video you are uploading is made for children. If you created a business video for your plumbing company, you would choose the “No” option. If you created a video for a child to learn ABCs, then you would click the “Yes” option. Click on the blue link in this “Select Audience” section to better understand what YouTube defines as content made for kids.
13. Your Video is Now Being Uploaded
Now you will be able to see the progress of your upload, and how much longer it will take to be fully uploaded. Make sure you have a strong internet connection (Wi-Fi seems to work best) to avoid lag or delayed upload time.
14. Upload Complete
Once your video has been fully uploaded, YouTube will you show you this screen.
15. Check it out!
The internet has a new video!
That’s it! Now you can watch your video, share it on social, or even insert the link into a text or your email. Keep adding to your YouTube channel on a consistent basis, even if it is just once a week. This way, your audience will be able to anticipate when you drop new content. You can create and upload a video every single day if you like – the key is just to be consistent and engaging.
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